About Michael
Michael Simon lives on the Canadian Atlantic Coast with his wife, Anne, three children, and one granddaughter. To sustain a lifelong writing addiction, he works as a family physician, where every day brings its own stories: he’s delivered babies, worked 48-hour ER shifts, stitched-up professional hockey players, and even treated touring rock bands like Motley Crew and Simple Plan.
A lifelong reader of sci-fi and fantasy, Michael has authored five novels due to be published in 2025. These include his two-part Extinction series and First Command trilogy. A number of his science fiction stories have appeared in magazines including Apex: Science Fiction and Horror, Unfit, and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. Nonfiction articles have appeared in healthcare, sports and travel magazines. Michael is also a seasoned radio columnist, with a successful Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) morning radio show, airing on Canada’s East Coast.
He graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 1988 after completing his undergraduate education at St. Francis Xavier University. He began his family practice in 1989, involving obstetrics, emergency work, sports medicine and palliative care. Throughout his medical career, he has served on a number of boards and volunteer committees.
When not writing or practicing medicine, Michael can be found watching the latest Montreal Canadians game or streaming his favorite rugby team, the New Zealand All Blacks. If you want to connect with Michael, you can find him on social media or visit his website, www.michaelsimon.live.